Monday, April 30, 2012

Price Breakdown - Invitations! 124 days...

First of all, I can't believe tomorrow is the 4 month marker! Even though it seems like 4 months is forever, I know it'll be gone in a flash!

Yesterday, Dustin and I spent some time looking for invitation supplies. We walked through Staples, Walmart and Michael's on our hunt for a bargain.
In Walmart we found this paper...

80 sheets for $8.87! For a price breakdown of $.11 per sheet of paper = $.11 per invitation. Pretty good deal.
In Staples we found these...

$33 for 50 invitations, which breaks down to about $.66 per invitation. While that may be a deal to 99% of brides, I knew I could do better. Plus, I'm not a fan of that style invitation. It looks so boxed!
In Micheal's we found these...

I'm a huge fan of the Bride's collection at Micheal's. But when the price per invite is bordering a whole dollar...I'm passing. It is a fantastic deal for most brides, and if I were working on even double my budget, I probably would have got them.
An example of what my invitations may or may not like...this is not card stock, btw.
Plus the seal and wax!
So now, you may ask, What did we buy?
Card stock! Plain ivory card stock was the purchase (at staples!). The price is pretty fantastic too. At $14.95 for a ream (250 sheets), each sheet of 110 lb. paper costs only $.06. We also debated on cutting down the invitations to make two per sheet, but the cost of envelopes ($.18 per!) definitely sent us back into the land of tri-folds. Dustin had the brilliant idea of looking for a sealing stamp and wax at Michael's. We went through the check out line separately and used 40% off coupons, and got the stamp and sealing for $3.15 each! We will need to go back and buy 2 more sealing waxes, but buying them with the coupon only adds an additional $.06 to each invitation! I haven't factored the cost of ink into the invitation cost (my dad has a very high quality printer), but I'm estimating that each invitation, with postage included, will cost $.60! Now, that's what I call a deal :)

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